Tired of this site already?
- Electronic Technical Manuals—A U.S. Army site with digitised versions of many Technical Manuals on modern American vehicles and other equipment; though the most modern stuff is classified, you can still find a lot of handy reference material on older vehicles here.
- Missing Links—One of the main military modelling sites, with lively forums for discussion of all kinds of military modelling and AFV subjects.
- Patton Mania—For those interested in the American M26 through M60-series of MBTs; also includes some photos of my models.
- Track Link—The other primary military modelling site, with less-active newsgroups but more articles and reference material than Missing Links.
- TWENOT—The principal Dutch military vehicle modelling society, of which I've been a member since 1986.
- WW2 Model Maker—A site aimed mainly at, as the name suggests, World War II, but it also caters for other periods.