Shadowrun Product Reviews: Non-English Books

The following is a list, sorted by language, of all Shadowrun books published in languages other than English. If you have any that are not listed, and would like to write a review about them (in English), please email about it.


Stock Number Book ISBN
(unknown) Shadowrun France (unknown)

List of French translations of FASA books


Stock Number Book ISBN
10708-1 Deutschland in den Schatten 3-89064-708-1
10709-X Schlagschatten 3-89064-709-X
10725 Chrom & Dioxin 3-89064-727-8
10733-2 Walzer, Punks, & Schwarzes ICE 3-89064-733-2

List of German translations of FASA books


List of Spanish translations of FASA books